
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers


/The 7th Sanitary products Industry Development Conference

The 7th Sanitary products Industry Development Conference


The 7th Sanitary products Industry Development Conference


In order to build an exchange platform for the sanitary products industry between China and Japan and achieve the goal of openness, sharing and collaboration, China Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co., LTD/China Paper Association Household Paper Professional Committee (CNPPRI/CNHPIA) and Japan Sanitary Materials Industry Federation (JHPIA) began in 2011. Every two years, the China-Japanese sanitary products enterprise exchange activities have been successfully held for four sessions.


Due to the impact of the epidemic, Chinese and Japanese health products companies have been restricted from going abroad for three years, and China-Japanese exchange activities have been forced to postpone. With the release of the epidemic control, in order to continue to promote the exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Japanese enterprises, and further expand the Southeast Asian market, and build a bridge for economic and trade exchanges for enterprises, it is decided that the fifth China-Japanese sanitary products enterprise exchange activity and the seventh Sanitary products Industry Development Conference will be jointly held, the time is November 1-3, 2023, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


The year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Major countries in Southeast Asia have all signed cooperation documents with China on jointly building the Belt and Road. Malaysia is one of the important countries among them, and China-Malaysia cooperation on the Belt and Road has yielded fruitful results.


In 2022, Southeast Asia's disposable hygiene products market size ranks third in the world, and the growth potential of e-commerce channels is huge, which deserves the continuous attention of enterprises in the hygiene products industry.

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