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Relationship between Infantile ringworm and asthma


Relationship between Infantile ringworm and asthma


"Ringworm" is the common name for infantile eczema, a common allergic skin inflammation caused by internal and external factors. The skin lesions are polymorphic lesions based on papillary herpes, with a tendency to exudate, repeated attacks, acute and chronic phases overlapping and alternating, accompanied by intense pruritus, the etiology is more complex, and its pathogenesis is related to a variety of internal and external factors, sometimes it is difficult to identify the specific cause.


Infants often ingest food allergens such as fish and shrimp, beef and mutton, eggs and other sensitizing factors from the digestive tract, causing type I allergy in the body. Common is a few months of infants, mostly well-nourished obese children, in the cheek suddenly appear granular erythema, slowly spread. At the same time, there are blisters on the erythema, after breaking the outflow of watery liquid. The affected area often has parochial itching, because the baby can not be expressed, it is often seen that the baby use his/her head rub on the pillow, resulting in bleeding, the forehead can have the same rash at the same time, serious can spread to the scalp, ear, etc.


However, the central parts of the face, such as the nose and lips, are rarely damaged. Most eczema starts at 1 to 2 months after birth, gradually decreases after 16 to 18 months, gradually disappears around 2 years old, and only a few cases continue into adulthood.


Infant eczema is very closely related to asthma, the former is often the precursor symptoms of asthma, or co-existing with asthma, or in the self-healing or remission after the start of asthma or other respiratory allergic diseases. The younger the age of onset of asthma, the higher the incidence of "ringitch". Foreign statistics show that 55% of asthma patients have a history of infantile eczema, and 30% of infantile eczema patients have asthma after 15 years, and there is no certain rule from the beginning of infantile eczema to the occurrence of asthma, the shortest is half a year, the longest is more than ten years.


As can be seen from the above, infant eczema is often easy to cause asthma, should prevent such children's respiratory infections, enhance their physical fitness, pay attention to feeding.

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