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Infant eczema, keeping moisturizing lotion is the most basic


Infant eczema, keeping moisturizing lotion is the most basic


Infant eczema generally has a tendency to genetic allergy, which leads to poor skin barrier function and rough, dry skin than others. Eczema is genetically determined, in a certain environmental stimulation, eczema will occur, is not curable.


Environment: Some foods trigger the underlying genes that cause allergies. Nasal cavity sucking in things you are not used to would react into allergic rhinitis.


Season: The best season for baby is autumn. The temperature is too high and the humidity is too low both are not suitable for the baby. If the humidity is less than 20%, use a humidifier.


The most important response to infant eczema is "itchiness". Itch leads to the baby can not sleep. At night is the time for the baby to grow and develop, itchiness would affect the growth and development of baby.


Generally, after 2 years old, infant eczema would gradually spreads to the popliteal fossa. This is a typical manifestation of eczema in childhood and from childhood to adulthood.


Eczema is divided into infancy (less than 2 years old), childhood (2-12 years old), and adult (12-adult).


The skin is genetically determined to have poor barrier function, which can be repaired by moisturizing emollients. No matter what the level of infant eczema, keeping the skin moisturizing is the most basic.

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