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How to reduce embarrassment of urine leakage in later period of pregnancy


How to reduce embarrassment of urine leakage in later period of pregnancy


In the later period of pregnancy, some pregnant mothers may appear the symptom of urine leakage when they sneeze or laugh.


There are several possible causes of urine leakage:


1. The fetus enter into the basin, will pressure the bladder, abdominal pressure may leak urine, it is normal. After childbirth, urine leakage symptoms would disappear.


2. Due to pelvic floor muscle relaxation or incoordination, the ability to control urine decreased, this belongs to stress urinary incontinence,it is a kind of pelvic floor disease, especially when urine leakage occurs in the early period of pregnancy. After delivery, urine leakage symptoms may disappear, relieve. But if the symptom become aggravate need prompt medical attention.


How can the urine leakage symptoms be relieved?


1.Regular urination.

To develop a regular urination habit, avoid holding urine.


3. Eat less diuretic food.


3.Get some sanitary napkins or pads.

Pregnant mothers can use sanitary napkins or pads and change them in time to prevent sudden urine leakage.


4.Keep doing Kegel exercises.

Pregnant mothers can do regularly pelvic floor muscle exercise at ordinary times and postpartum. When sneezing or laughing, pregnant mothers can try to tighten their pelvic floor muscles ahead of time, and the amount and frequency of urine leakage will slowly decrease.


5.Maintain moderate physical activity.

You can choose some walking, yoga and other light and moderate physical activities to improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles and muscles throughout the body, which can not only improve urine leakage, but also help postpartum rehabilitation.


6. Do light housework.


7. Avoid heavy manual labor and heavy lifting.


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