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How to conditioning for menstruation color turn black?


How to conditioning for menstruation color turn black?


1. Blood fever type: The color of the menses is red or have purple block or deep red, it’s sticky and thick. Someone is upset and depressed. With red face and dry mouth, and with dry throat and mouth,with flush face. Yellow urine and congealed stool, red tongue with yellowish fur. It is advisable to clear heat and cool blood, and can take Gujing pills, Qingjing powder capsules, etc.


2. Liver depression heat type: The menstruation blood is not smooth, with breast and abdominal pain, chest tightness, irritability or sigh. The blood color is red or purple. With red tongue edge. With bitter mouth and dry throat. With thin and yellow fur. It is appropriate to relieve liver depression and clear heat, and can take pills for regulating menstruation and stopping belts, Xiaoyao pills, Danzhi Xiaoyao pills, etc.


3. Qi deficiency type: The symptoms of menstruation in advance, or prolonged menstruation, with large quantity, light color and thin quality. Mental fatigue and limb weakness, palpitations short of breath, little food and loose stool, lower abdomen empty, tongue thin. It is advisable to supplement Qi and blood, and can take supplementing Qi pills, Guipi pills, etc.


4. Blood deficiency type: The symptoms of menstrual disorder. With less quantity and light color, thin quality, dizziness, palpitations swollen, less sleep more dreams, pale yellow, tongue light less moss. Treating appropriate tonifying blood and supplementing Qi can take gynecological Tiaojing pills, Funing pills, Bazhen Yimu pills, Dang GUI blood balm, Baokun shun pills, Shizhen Xiangfu pills, Ningkun Zhibao Dan, added flavor motheria cream, gynecological Shiwei tablets, An Kunzanyu pills, ginseng anttake Baifeng pills, etc.


Irregular menstruation is a situation that many women will appear, in this remind all female friends to pay attention to diet during menstruation. Have right eating habit can help regulate menstruation, and can relieve menstrual cramps.

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