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Hot weather is more important to prevent stroke


Hot weather is more important to prevent stroke


Cerebrovascular emergency accidents, such as rupture, blockage, is commonly known as "stroke". Stroke is common in the elderly. After age 55, the risk of stroke doubles for every additional 10 years. Once a stroke occurs, it can cause damage to the brain, and in severe cases can lead to hemiplegia or death. Stroke is a kind of acute cerebrovascular disease, there are two main types, one is hemorrhagic acute cerebrovascular, the other one is ischemic acute cerebrovascular. It is the largest disabling disease in China, severe cases can be fatal, with 2 million new cases every year, most of which will leave sequelae of varying degrees, and only less than 20% of patients can be basically cured. The following conditions may occur: physical disability, unconsciousness, inability to speak, mental decline. Early identification of warning signs and first aid knowledge can minimize injuries.


Drooling during sleep and eye twitching on one side are not signs of a stroke.


Stroke is identified by 3 tests

1. Smile test: Ask the patient to smile. Abnormal: One side of the face is significantly asymmetrical.


2. Raise hands test: Ask the patient to raise his arms horizontally. Abnormal: Inability to lift one hand.


3. Speech test: Ask the patient to say a few words.Abnormal: Slurred speech, inability to be understood, or inability to speak.


.3-step for emergency treatment of stroke

1. Call 120 for help immediately.

2. Let the patient lie on his side in a flat place, and warm it.

3. Check the patient's mouth and remove foreign bodies.


According to statistics, 80% of strokes can be prevented. Develop good living habits to reduce the risk of disease.

1. Stop smoking and drinking.

2. Eat a balanced diet: low in salt and fat.

3. Keep exercising.

4. Weight control: Weight BMI<24, BMI= weight/height 2 (kg/m2)


Finally, disease prevention and control is also very important, remember to give parents a physical examination every year, focusing on 5 indicators: blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, electrocardiogram, carotid color ultrasound. Actively control diseases: diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, etc.

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