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Choose baby wet wipes


Choose baby wet wipes


Baby wet wipes can be divided into ordinary wet wipes and specialized hand and mouth wet wipes according to their uses. Ordinary baby wet wipes are usually used to wipe the baby's little anus, while hand and mouth wet wipes are used to wipe the baby's mouth and hands.


In general, baby wet wipes have no impact on their health.


Safety precautions for using baby wet wipes


First, Be shrewd in choosing. The baby's wet wipes must not contain preservatives, whitening agents, essence, alcohol and other substances. At the same time, pay attention to the production information of the product when purchasing. Legitimate wet wipes should have production date, manufacturer, factory address and phone number, as well as shelf life, active ingredients, production batch number, hygiene license number, implementation hygiene standard number, and instructions for use. Wet wipes with incomplete information, blurred information, or expired should not be purchased.


Second, Be careful on trial. Before using a baby wet wipe, parents can try on themselves. If they feel alcohol irritation or even allergies, the wipes cannot be used for the baby. On the premise of trying it out yourself with peace of mind, first give the baby a try by wiping their hands and other parts. Only when there are no abnormalities can they use it with peace of mind. Parents should be careful not to use wet wipes to wipe sensitive areas such as the baby's eyes and eardrums. If the baby experiences skin redness, swelling, itching, and other reactions, it should be stopped immediately. If the allergy is severe, parents should take the baby to the hospital in a timely manner.

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