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Can infantile eczema use iodophor?


Can infantile eczema use iodophor?


Infant eczema should not use iodophor. There are more treatment methods for infant eczema, and the following methods can be used for local treatment:


In principle, it is treated separately according to the disease stage.


1. In the acute stage, 1% to 4% boric acid solution or 1% to 4% boric acid solution plus 0.1% furacillin solution were used to wet compress or wash the local area about 15 minutes, and then coated with Refnol zinc oxide ointment or 1% chloramphenicol zinc oxide oil. If there is no obvious infection can also be applied externally 40% zinc oxide oil or 15% zinc oxide ointment. Apply wet compress for 2 to 3 days.


2. In subacute stage, use 1% ~ 4% boric acid solution for external washing, and then use calamine lotion or calamine furacillin lotion externally to relieve itching and reduce inflammation. Apply vitamin B6 ointment and SCL ointment (sulfenamide paste, see Appendix dosage table of commonly used pediatric drugs), or traditional Chinese medicine to remove dampness oil.


3. In chronic phase, topical application of 1/2 or 1/3 Piperolone or beclomethasone propionate ointment plus furfural oil ointment or Prien ointment, or urea ointment, then cover with thin plastic film, bandage, wrap once every 1-2 days, until the skin returns to its original state. Take a bath at most 1 to 2 times a week, if necessary, apply skin relaxing ointment, dermatitis. For chronic localized hypertrophy lesions, prednisone acetate or desamcinone suspension can be used as intradermal point injection at the lesion, once a week, a total of 2-3 times. It should not be used for a long time to avoid skin atrophy.


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