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Baby eczema


Baby eczema


Eczema generally begins to appear when the baby is 1 to 2 months old, and is more serious about 4 months old, with the addition of complementary foods, the situation mostly begins to improve, and generally disappears at about 2 years old. The initial manifestation is generally a small red rash on the cheek, which soon spreads to the whole face and even to the forehead, neck, chest, limbs and so on.


Small red rash can also become small blisters, exudation of liquid after burst, forming a yellow crust. The disease is sometimes mild and sometimes deep. It’s recurrent. When the acute attack is unbearable, the baby is irritable and crying, affecting eating and sleep.


The culprits of baby eczema:


1. Genetic factors

Eczema has a lot to do with genetics. If one of the parents has had allergic disease or eczema, then the baby is more likely to have eczema.


2. Food factor

For milk or other food allergies, milk (including milk formula) contains a large number of allogeneic proteins, which is very easy to cause allergies and is the culprit of eczema for babies. If the mother eats eggs, fish, shrimp, crab, chocolate, fructose, etc. may cause allergies in the baby, the key to eradicating the baby eczema is to identify the substances that cause allergies.


3. Environmental factors

Eczema can also be caused by environmental factors, such as wool fabrics, artificial fibers, pollen, mites, sweat, urine(parents should choose suitable diapers for the baby and change the diapers in time), dry air, etc. 


4. Spiritual factors

Emotional factors will also make the baby affected by eczema, mental tension will make the baby eczema worse.

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