
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers


/With 15 million newborns in Southeast Asia, Chinese baby diapers have successfully broken through!

With 15 million newborns in Southeast Asia, Chinese baby diapers have successfully broken through!


The baby diaper market in Southeast Asia has continued to expand in recent years

According to data from Euromonitor International, the baby diaper market in Southeast Asia is expected to exceed US$6 billion in 2027. Behind this is the demographic dividend and the rising consumer demand for mothers and infants.

Baby diapers are exported to Southeast Asia in large quantities

Zhongtong Media searched the baby diaper import and export data of the General Administration of Customs and found that in June 2024, my country's baby diaper export volume was 49.6436 million kilograms, a year-on-year increase of 12.55%; the export value was 1,027.4038 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.30%.

From the perspective of export destinations, among the top 10 countries in my country's baby diaper export value in June 2024, five are from Southeast Asian countries. Among them, the Philippines and Vietnam ranked first and second respectively, and Indonesia and Malaysia ranked sixth and seventh. ranked 10th, with Myanmar ranked tenth.

Among them, the market penetration rate of baby diapers in the Philippines and Vietnam is about 15%, and the market penetration rate in Indonesia is about 20%. There is still a lot of room for expansion! The market penetration rate in Malaysia is as high as over 80%, but it is reported that the replacement rate of diapers in Malaysia is not high.

Vietnam is the third most populous country in Southeast Asia, with approximately 2 million newborns born every year. Data shows that in 2023, the total revenue of Vietnam's infant diaper category will be US$560 million, with per capita consumption of approximately US$5.63. It is expected to generate US$610 million in revenue in 2024, and sales will increase by 4.4% in 2025. By 2028, per capita consumption will reach US$8.02.

The Indonesian market also shows strong growth potential and is expected to achieve stable growth in the next 5 years.

As one of the largest economies in Southeast Asia, the Indonesian market has more than 5 million new students every year. Euromonitor International predicts that the country's baby diaper market is expected to reach US$1.76 billion in 2024, with an annual growth rate of 6.8%.

Making good use of e-commerce platforms is key

Facing such a favorable market as Southeast Asia, more and more practitioners are choosing to join.

Xiao Cai, who is engaged in foreign trade, is one of them. He believes that in the final analysis, it is “the huge market potential brought by Southeast Asia’s demographic dividend.”

In the past two years, Xiaocai has also gradually developed maternal and infant business. Speaking of baby diapers, he told a reporter from Zhongtong Media: "In China, some brands are top-notch, but their share does not account for 30% of the market. Although the share has increased due to price bargaining by e-commerce platforms, the diaper market is still The development has really bottomed out.”

“In recent years, the total import and export value of these Belt and Road countries in Southeast Asia has been increasing as a proportion of my country’s total foreign trade value. For example, Vietnam relies on imports for most of its maternal and infant products, and China is the largest importer of Vietnamese baby diapers. This is absolutely It’s a positive direction.”

"I even think that some domestic companies can build more factories here and create a complete diaper industry chain."

Xiao Cai said, "E-commerce is becoming more and more popular here. For domestic brands, how to make good use of their e-commerce platforms for product promotion and sales is the key to competition."

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