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/The market situation analysis of Chinese wet wipes industry: The scale of wet wipes continue to expand, baby wet wipes has great potential of development

The market situation analysis of Chinese wet wipes industry: The scale of wet wipes continue to expand, baby wet wipes has great potential of development


Wet wipes are wet paper towels used to wipe the skin. There are two main kinds of it: one is that it has been disinfected, but can not disinfect other items, which contains skin care ingredients, play the role of skin moist maintenance. The other is that it has been disinfected, and it is disinfectant wipes that can also be used to disinfect other items. It can be used for the disinfection or sterilization of skin scrapes, scratches, etc.,.

Current situation of Chinese wet wipes market

1. The growth of Chinese wet wipes market scale is greater than the global market scale

In view of global wet wipes market, in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 were 13.163 billion RMB,  13.829 billion RMB,14.447 billion RMB and 15.356 billion RMB respectively. In 2019, the year-on-year growth rate was 4.47%, which was less than the year-on-year growth rate 5.06% in 2018. In 2020, the year-on-year growth rate was 6.29%, starting to recover. This is mainly due to the 2020 pandemic, which created the demand for wet wipes.

In view of domestic wet wipes market, in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 were 6.013billion RMB, 6.744 billion RMB, 7.718 billion RMB, 8.78 billion RMB and 10.9 billion RMB respectively. From 2016 to 2020, the year-on-year growth rate has been maintained at more than 12%, which obviously exceeds the growth rate of the global market scale of wet wipes.

2. The per capita consumption level of wet wipes in our country is far lower than that in Europe and America area.

In terms of consumption scale, in the United States, the consumption scale of wet wipes in 2019 was $4.947 billion. And in Western Europe was $3.257 billion. But in our country only had $1.272 billion. In terms of per capita consumption level, in Western Europe reached 133.61 yuan per person in 2019; In the United States, it was 104.05 yuan per person. But in our country, there was only 6.28 yuan per person.

3. Baby wet wipes occupy the largest proportion in wet wipe market.

In terms of the market segment of Chinese wet wipes, Chinese baby wipes will take half of the market share in 2020, about 52.8%. Baby wet wipes currently account for more than half of the market share of wet wipes in China. The three-child policy has provided support for a new round of population birth, which is good for the development of Chinese baby wet wipes.

The consumption scale and per capita consumption level of our wet wipes are far lower than the European and American area. The penetration rate of our market wet wipes is still low.  Therefore, there is still a large space to explore the wet wipes market in the future.

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