
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers


/Industry Leaders Review 2023- Chairman/General Manager of Deng Jingheng

Industry Leaders Review 2023- Chairman/General Manager of Deng Jingheng


Industry Leaders Review 2023- Chairman/General Manager of Deng Jingheng


Deng Jingheng, Chairman/General Manager of Guangdong Jingxing Health Care Industry Co., Ltd., can summarize the development of the hygiene products industry in 2023 as "challenges". During this year, the economic downturn, oversupply, and irregular market behavior have posed challenges in three aspects: people, goods and the market.


Firstly, it is the "people" who are under pressure from the economic downturn and make rational purchases of products. The industry needs to have a deep understanding of this change in consumer mentality and provide more competitive products to meet new consumer demands.


Secondly, there is "goods", as oversupply leads to market fragmentation and non-standard promotional behavior, which reduces the overall efficiency of the industry. To address this challenge, the industry needs to optimize product structure, improve product quality standards, and strengthen management to reduce resource waste.


Finally, the intensification of uncertainty in the market environment and the contraction of market channels pose greater challenges to us. Strengthening internal and external cooperation, establishing more sound industry standards and norms to better adapt to market changes, is the key to the sustainable development of the industry in the face of uncertainty.


In summary, 2023 will be a challenging year for the hygiene industry. Continuous innovation and sustainable development are the key paths for the sustained growth of the industry.

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