
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers


/Caring for the health of premature infants, Lunaler Group actively participates in public welfare activities.

Caring for the health of premature infants, Lunaler Group actively participates in public welfare activities.


Caring for the health of premature infants, Lunaler Group actively participates in public welfare activities.


On November 17th, coinciding with another year of World Premature Birth Day, Lunaler Group deeply implemented the great mission of providing health care for every mother and baby, launched the new product Lelch Premature Baby Diapers, and actively participated in premature baby public welfare donation projects.


Leading the public welfare donation project for premature infants, Lunaler Group showcases its leading corporate responsibility.


It is reported that a total of 14 national key hospitals, including the Affiliated Pediatric Hospital of Fudan University, the Affiliated Childrens Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and Kunming First Peoples Hospital, have received relevant material donations through the Shanghai Childrens Fund.


As a pioneer in the public welfare donation project for premature infants, Lelch has established a strategic cooperation relationship with the Shanghai Childrens Fund and will donate premature diapers in November each year to provide high-quality maternal and child care products and services for more premature families. Lelch also plays a leading role in the industry and calls on more enterprises to invest in maternal and child public welfare.

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